In ice form, you sacrifice control of you momentum, but are impervious to pain; in fire form, you gain speed, but lack control of it. Can you use these two mechanics to defeat the super-cool Vam Pierre and escape his gauntlet?

Zomcles are slow and wobbly, Squareletons are fast and robotic, and Vam Pierre is their cool boss 😎.


Programmers: Keaton Hocking & Madeline Drake

Art/Music: Xander Holland

This is our first game, constructive criticism is welcome :)


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Congratulations on creating your first game.  I enjoyed playing and think you came up with an original concept.  Perhaps you could add visual variety to the maze -- right now it is difficult to make your way through it.  Good luck and keep creating!

(2 edits)

Xander here to drop Vam pierre's cooooooooool theme song


good song, good game